Emotional Resilience

During times of stress, disaster and trauma, we face some challenges that go beyond the normal scope.  People, of all ages, struggle with a sense of isolation.  Many people may struggle with depression, anxiety, or an overwhelming sense of fear.  These are normal feelings.

If those feelings seem like they are limiting your ability to function, help is available.  The most common sources for help will be our churches and counseling centers.  However, there are other sources as well.

Helpful actions include:

  • Keeping a routine
  • Being physically active
  • Watch/read news sources that are more reliable
  • Try to limit “screen time” (computers, phones, television
  • Read, do puzzles, play games
  • Stay connected to people
  • Try something new
  • Help someone else
  • Get adequate rest
  • Prayer
  • Keep a journal

Access 2-1-1 via a phone call or on the internet.  2-1-1 connects people with resources for health care, mental health care, food benefits, cash help, housing, disaster assistance, family violence, caregivers, and substance abuse.

Parents who are looking for help can still contact their children’s schools.  They can also check out several websites.  Use the Warmline resource to get help before a crisis -Warmline – 972-699-7742.

Helping Children Cope With Emergencies 

Manage Anxiety & Stress

How to Talk to Children About Coronavirus

American Psychological Association:  Keeping Your Distance to Stay Safe

American Psychological Association:  Pandemic

Supporting Kids during the COVID 19 Crisis


Suicide Hotline                  800.273.8255
Addiction Hotline               877.226.3111
Self-Harm Hotline              877.455.0628
Eating Disorder Hotline     844.228.2962
Depression Hotline           888.640.5174
Domestic Violence            972-276-0057

Billy Graham Prayer Hotline 888.388.2683